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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Quantitative
  • Simple Percentage
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background to the Study

Information and communication technology (ICT) is gaining importance in today's society, dubbed the information age, since it is considered to facilitate and accelerate our entrance into an information-based environment. In addition, it should be accessible, relevant, and efficiently provided. ICT is now seen as a determining element for a nation's success. It is a dynamic area that has significant ethical, social, and political implications for society. Promotion of Islamic knowledge is one of the primary areas that are profoundly influenced by this quiet revolution.

In Islam, if they are not already existing, all good new advances in the realms of science and cultural accomplishments should be embraced, and efforts should be made to introduce them to the Muslim community, develop them, and perfect them. According to Muslim thinkers, this is a community responsibility (fard kifaya) that necessitates paying close attention to scientific study and committing substantial funds to it. Those unfamiliar with the Qur'an may dispute the link between the Qur'an, a text revealed more than 1,433 years ago, and Information and Communication Technology, a 21st-century technology. Al-Qur'an is the book of knowledge and the primary source of Islamic law, containing timeless and universally applicable concepts. As Divine Guidance is associated with religion and belief, it embraces both the material and spiritual aspects of human existence. Therefore, the Qur'an and Sunnah have been endowed with such all-encompassing principles as to equip Muslims with answers to their ever-evolving issues. Which, on the one hand, are well-balanced and compatible with human nature; and, on the other hand, remain true and provide actual success for them, despite the fact that these difficulties and challenges are caused by a change in circumstances or the introduction of new methods and previously undiscovered innovations.

The Prophet (SAW) and the first Muslim scholars provided an outstanding blueprint for how one should approach knowledge. Utilizing whatever tools were available at the time, they accessed information, stored it, processed it, and disseminated their thoughts and knowledge. Due to their good views toward knowledge, Islam grew into a powerful civilisation throughout the ages. Islam divided knowledge into two categories. The first sort of knowledge is that which Allah has ordained to work by revelation. This knowledge is considered as the ultimate level of knowledge and is eventually mandated for every Muslim to understand, grasp, and apply. The second form of knowledge is that which is obtained by humans by logical inquiry based on experience and observation, and which typically relates to worldly matters. This last kind of knowledge is comprised of tanzur (observation), tadabbur (deliberation), tathakkur (recollection), takfakkur (consideration), tabassur (understanding), and ta'aqul (rationalization), all of which are mentioned in the Qur'an as methods for acquiring knowledge. The field of ICT falls under the latter type. ICT is not foreign to Islam in this aspect. In actuality, Muslim academics in early Islamic history adapted and used the technology in a unique manner. Therefore, the use of ICT to improve the teaching and learning of Arabic and Islamic Studies is not a novel concept in Islam. The technology's available services and applications may be leveraged effectively to disseminate and raise the degree of Islamic knowledge comprehension.


Therefore, Muslim academics, scientists, and intellectuals are making enormous efforts to evaluate the effects of ICT on Islam, while simultaneously launching strategies to promote Islamic Studies and information via the use of ICT. ICT is becoming a new tool for Muslims throughout the globe to acquire, exchange, share, and disseminate Islam-related information. Islamic knowledge might be disseminated and comprehended to a greater technology by using ICT services and applications. Internet is one of the largest advantages derived from the usage of ICT. It has the potential to be the most effective instrument for disseminating Islamic knowledge and information and boosting teaching. Those who lack previous knowledge of ICT may be educated in order to promote the widespread use of ICT by religious studies instructors, especially Arabic and Islamic Studies professors. In Islam, the use of contemporary technology is encouraged since it fosters the growth of positive thought, the capacity to invent, and the desire for self-improvement. This research attempts to investigate the influence of information and communication technology on the teaching and learning of Islamic studies among junior high school students.

1.2   Statement of the Problem

It is anticipated that the current pattern of teaching and learning will transition from the traditional manner to one that is more dynamic, adaptable, and learner-centered (Ezekoka and Okoli, 2012). This learner-centered approach allows students to control the learning's content, activities, resources, and speed, putting them at the center of the learning process and fostering autonomous learning (Collins and O'Brien, 2003). Despite the obvious importance of ICT in education, and despite massive capital investments by both the Federal and State governments via ICT-driven projects such as "school net" Adomi, (2006) and Okebukola (2004), as well as contributions from Nongovernmental Organizations to Nigerian secondary schools, some Islamic Studies instructors remain hesitant, inefficient, and unproductive in utilizing ICT facilities to enhance students' academic performance, particularly in islamic institutions. According to Beetheng and Sim (2008), there is still a long way to go before secondary school teachers in developing countries like Nigeria will be able to take advantage of the opportunity provided by 21st century technology. Adomi (2010) reported that 75% of secondary school teachers in Nigeria have little or no experience with ICT in education.

The performance of WASSCE candidates in Islamic Studies, as reported by the chief examiners, indicates that these goals are not yet met owing to insufficient subject knowledge. The perceived nature of this issue may be attributable to the teaching tactics used by the instructors. Using ICT-Driven Instructional Aids via Computer Assisted Instruction intended for teaching Islamic Studies might be of tremendous assistance in resolving these apparent issues. Also noted in the examiners' report is the instructors' incapacity to cover every component of the Islamic Studies curriculum before presenting their pupils for the WASSCE. This may be attributable to the noted shortcomings of the conventional "chalk and talk" way of teaching, which is more of a teacher-centered approach than a learner-centered approach as used in some schools today, thus influencing students' performance on different tests. The information technological age provides ICT instructional strategies such as Computer-Assisted designed to make teaching and learning faster, simpler, more immediate, more effective, more efficient, individualize, and take into account learners' individual differences regardless of gender or location. In light of these stated issues, it is necessary to perform a research on the teaching and learning of I.R.S and the use of ICT in senior secondary school.

1.3   Objectives Of The Study

The general objective or main objective of this study is to assess the teaching and leaning of I.R.S and the instrumentality of ICT in senior secondary school. The specific objectives are:

  1.  Ascertain whether the use of ICT will promote effective teaching and learning of I.R.S in senior secondary schools in  Ayedaade Local Government Area.
  2. Ascertain whether the use of ICT can enhance teachers effectiveness in the teaching of I.R.S. in senior secondary schools in  Ayedaade Local Government Area.
  3. Ascertain whether the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of I.R.S can enhance the independent learning skills of senior secondary school students in  Ayedaade Local Government Area.
  4. Determine whether the use of ICT can enhance senior secondary school students’ academic performance in I.R.S.

1.4   Research Questions

The following are some of the questions which this study intends to answer:

i) Will the use of ICT promote effective teaching and learning of I.R.S in senior secondary schools in  Ayedaade Local Government Area?

ii) Will the use of ICT enhance teachers effectiveness in the teaching of I.R.S. in senior secondary schools in  Ayedaade Local Government Area?

iii) Will the use of ICT in the teaching and learning of I.R.S enhance the independent learning skills of senior secondary school students in Ayedaade Local Government Area?

Iv) Will the use of ICT enhance senior secondary school students’ academic performance in I.R.S?

1.5   Significance o the Study

The teaching-learning process is a method for organizing the instructor, the student, the curriculum, and other factors to achieve predetermined goals and objectives. The facilities of ICT, when used appropriately, are said to help expand access to education, strengthen the relevance of education to the increasingly digital workplace, and improve educational quality by, among other things, transforming teaching and learning into a dynamic, active, and real-world-relevant process. ICT provides people with a variety of technologies that may be utilized to assist their daily tasks. Through the use of information technology, students may now engage in global learning communication. They are autonomous and have unrestricted access to the resources and programs of study. In virtual learning communities, members may engage in cooperative learning, information sharing, the exchange of learning experiences, and cooperative work. ICT contributes to a more productive teaching and learning environment. Similarly, in new contexts, the job of the educator differs from the traditional system. As a coach or mentor, the teacher assists and leads the students in their studies. As in traditional classrooms, the instructor is no longer the focal point of education and the main source of information. To conform to worldwide standards, information technologies are reorganizing the teaching and learning process.

At the conclusion of this research, it is crucial to note that various communities, towns, states, and Nigeria as a whole will find the results of this research to be extraordinarily beneficial, as this research will play a crucial role in the task of improving the educational standard, growth, and development of secondary schools. The findings of this study will also give adequate chance for educators to understand the role they must play in assisting students in acquiring information about a certain study. Again, secondary school students will understand the significance of computers and other devices in teaching and learning, as well as how they might profit from their use. The study will also give abundant opportunities for the researcher and other readers to get firsthand, in-depth information on the development of skills and the use of communication technologies in secondary schools.

1.6   Scope of the Study

The study is limited to the investigation of the teaching and leaning of I.R.S and the instrumentality of ICT in senior secondary school Ayedaade Local Government Area, Osun State. The researcher hopes to carry out an in-depth study basically on how ICT can be used to enhanced the Performance of Students in Islamic study in senior secondary school students Osun State. The study hopes to cover all Students in Public Senior Secondary Schools Osun State.

1.7   Limitation of the Study

The Major Limitations of the study are:

Cost Limitation: There was a cost limitation. This means that we could not offer any gift or monetary incentives for the respondents to answer the questionnaire. This might have resulted in certain prospective respondents choosing not to respond to the questionnaire. This might not have created a motivation among respondents not to take a chance to give opinions.

Time Limitation: There are two types of time limitation faced during the study. The study was done for a period of four weeks. Hence the results would reflect the impact of the time constraint. The insights of the employees were observed during the period of study. A more extensive study conducted over a larger time period or during a special period of time like when there were higher numbers of issues, can include insights from employees over a broader time period and can bring in further depth into the research.

1.8  Definition of Terms

The following terms were used in the course of this study:

Information and Communications Technology (ICT): This is an umbrella term that includes any communication device or application, encompassing radio, television, phones, and computer hardware and software satellite systems and so on, as well as the various services and applications associated with them, such as videoconferencing and distance learning.

Islamic Study: it refers to the study of Islam. Islamic studies can be seen under at least two perspectives: From a secular perspective, an Islamic study is a field of academic research whose subject is Islam as religion and civilization.


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